Holly places of Bukhaha
Khwaja Muhammad Arif Riwgari Khwaja Muhammad Arif Riwgari is the first of the group of Central Asian Sufi teachers known simply as Khwajagan (the Masters) of the Naqshbandi order. His shrine is at , or now is known as Shofirkon, about 45 km North of Bukhara, in today's Uzbekistan. Born in Riwgar, today called Safirkon, forty-five kilometers north of Bukhara. He studied the supervision of the master of his time, Abdul Khaliq Ghajadwani. He was the deputy of Abdul Khaliq Ghajadwani, Khwāja Abdul Khaliq Ghajadwani had four deputies. When he died, his first deputy Khwāja Ahmad Siddīq succeeded him and took over the seat of spiritual directorship and trained the seekers in this noble path. When he was close to dying, he urged all his followers to seek the company of Khwaja Muhammad Arif Riwgari. Hajj Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy Hajj Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy was the most famous Sufi of his time, recognized as the spiritual...