Turki Jandi mausoleum.

Today we gathered at 12 o'clock in Labi-Haouz and went to Turki Jandi mausoleum. 

Before entering mausoleum wore cap, hood  and kerchief. Everyone tried to hire their hair.

We also decided not to talk and be silent because in mausoleum some people were praying. When they ended to pray I gave  information about Turki Jandi mausoleum. 

It was no so big place but there  has the tomb of the great man who lived in the 10th century and whose real name was Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn al-Fazl ibn Musa al-Muzakkir, was known as Hazrat Turki Jandi. He came to Holy Bukhara from Jand (ancient city on the Sirdarya River) to study in Bukhara madrassas in his youth and became a scholar, arif, muhaddith and waliyullah. "Tuhfat az zoirin" and "Kitobi Mullazoda" (15th century) contain the following information about the mention of the Turki Jandi mausoleum:

"The enlightened tomb of Shaykh ul-Imam - Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn al-Fazl ibn Musa al-Muzakkir al-Jandi is located here, and he is one of the students and companions of Shaykh Abu Bakr ibn Ishaq al-Kalabadi, may Allaah Almighty sanctify his soul and he was the leader of people and fairies". According to Abdukarim as-Samani (1113-1167) in his book "Nasabnama", "Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn Fazl al-Jandi is one of the imams of Bukhara. He was a leader in the science of tafsir and hadith, in the science of enlightenment". The burial place of Sheikh Turki Jandi is one of the famous shrines in Bukhara. This shrine here is situated the mausoleum of the sheikh Turki Jandi which built in the XII, XIV, XVI centuries.

Also we one of the visitors told us interesting legend about this place: 

People who are coming near the Turkish Jandi shrine, passengers dismounted and walked because they respect Turki Jandi. Riders who did not respect the sheikh or did not know that such a custom existed, fell from their horses.

In addition, there had healing water which had invisible connection with Zam-Zam draw-well water in Makkai Mukarrama. 

If you had some problems which your health,  I would recommend you to come here and drank this magical water. 

After that all of us spread in different sides of building for taking photos and video for their blog.
When collected enough materials for our blog we took a group photo for memory.


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